Lunes, Pebrero 20, 2017

Different Types of Business Travels Included in MICE Package

With travels now becoming easier, it's no wonder why see lots of people visiting foreign places and entrepreneurs expanding their business reach to other countries.

Industries like the hotel services have come up with unique packages to cater this influx, thus, arriving at packages such as the MICEbusiness travel offers. This type of deal is targeted to business owners who want to send delegates or members of their company to some business-related trip. The purpose and inclusions of the trip can differ, but the following are the most popular types of travels usually availed by MICE clients.

Conference Travel

This is often attended by a huge number of participants and is not only exclusive to one company or organization. Events that seek to gather representatives from different sectors belong to this category. Government-facilitated events may also mandate companies to send representatives to attend a conference meant to introduce new policies for business owners.

Incentive Travel

This one is more like a reward type of travel given by the company to select employees who display exemplary performance at work. The coverage of the travel will vary depending on the package availed by the owner. Most, if not at all times, it covers the hotel accommodation of the guest and an itinerary of places that they can visit to relax and explore. Food for main meals is covered too.

Most luxury hotels offer free transportation or bus for the clients so companies who want to send a group to a vacation wouldn't have to find individual mode of transport themselves.

Global Events

This has something to do with huge events usually participated by big names in the industry. Company owners, investors, political personnel and even state leaders comprise these gatherings. It's commonly an exclusive event with specific guest list. The event can last for a couple of days depending on the objective.

Exhibition Travels

Last but not the least are exhibits. This include exhibitions on new product releases, inventions, academic proposals and anything that select individuals would like to present to the public. Normally, representatives from different sectors will be invited to present their product or research in a designated area. Sometimes, organizers may bring the participants to various locations to view the full display.

There are various types of business travels and they can be done individually or by groups. The objective can also vary depending on the type of travel the participants are sent to. Regardless of the purpose, MICE packages often have synonymous content focusing on accommodation, food and travel destinations.

There aren't any specific rules on when companies could send their workers to a paid trip. It can happen anytime and even a couple of times depending on the event. If you're assigned to organize a MICE tour for your staff, it's important to make the arrangements ahead of time. The following salient factors must be a part of your to-do list:
  • date & duration of the planned travel
  • target city
  • budget
  • number of people to send
  • purpose of the event
Keep in mind that while there are many hotels that offer MICE packages, there are more people who need the service all-year round. If you want to make a reservation to the best companies, better call in advance to secure a slot. There is a good chance that other entities might have already reserved a slot on your desired date.

Also, take some time to look at few opportunities for discount. With the tough competition in the market, more hotels are offering discounts for select customers either on a first-come-first-served basis, subscriptions, draws and more. Get the details of the planned business travel and make a reservation in advance!

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