Martes, Setyembre 5, 2017

Buffet Hacks 101: Four Foods You Should Never Eat at a Buffet

“It is easier to stay out of restaurants that offer all-you-can-eat-buffets than to get out of one.”-Felicity Luckey 

Without a doubt, Filipinos love their food--and what do Filipinos love more than food? Well, more food and various kinds of it for one. The Filipino’s love affair is very much evident and apparent from the array of diverse all-you-can-eat offers restaurants that have cropped up in almost every nook and cranny in the Philippines’ metropolis, Metro Manila. Indeed, Filipinos have a unique flair and penchant for piling liberal amounts of food onto their plates in many of these cathedrals of excess.

However, while indulging, your appetite may seem like a luxurious and feasible way to enjoy your weekend, there might be some food staples offered in the buffet that you want to steer clear of.  True enough, buffets were made with guilty pleasures in mind, but this does not necessarily mean you should mindlessly gorge on food—particularly if the food in question is listed as one of the worst foods you can ever eat at a buffet. Regardless of whether you are eating in the best buffet in Manila or not, here are some foods you would much rather skip than eat:

1.)    Fettuccine Alfredo 

Let us be real, when you are standing in line waiting for your turn to pile food on your plate at a buffet, healthy food would be the last thing on your mind. After all, it seems to be counterintuitive to be thinking about your health while you are in an all-you-can-eat buffet. However, you should not neglect to eat healthy entirely and at least choose food that is not bad for your well-being and waistline as well. Fettuccine Alfredo is largely cream-based considering it is made with a combination of ingredients such as butter, sour cream, mayonnaise and cream cheese—all of which are incredibly fatty. If you wish to eat pasta, choose the red sauce instead.

2.)    Fried rice 

It is no question that anything fried would be incredibly unhealthy—especially when they are eaten in large quantities. In this regard, it would be wise for you to avoid piling anything that is fried on your plate. However, this may not be so realistic as you would almost always find a fried staple that is almost too tempting to resist. To compromise, at least steer clear from the food that is already loaded with carbs and happens to be fried as well such as fried rice and noodles.

3.)    Salad dressing 

You might think that just because you are choosing salad over pasta, you are already making a healthy food choice. While that may be true, your deliberate effort in making a healthy food decision will all be for naught if you lather your salad with copious amounts of dressing and sauces. Salad dressing may look innocent enough, but unfortunately, that is not the case. Dressing and sauces are high in fat content and pouring a generous amount of that onto your salad can actually sneak up on you. Instead, take it easy on the dressing and ensure that the ratio of your salad and sauces remains balanced.

4.)    Tuna 

Tuna might be considered healthy and nutritious even making it a good choice in the buffet. Unfortunately, for all it is worth, tuna is also the top buffet contaminant—most especially if it is served raw. Fish should always be kept in cold temperatures the moment it comes out of the water to the moment it hits the pan. Of all the kinds of fish out there, tuna is the most susceptible to scombrotoxin, a component that can potentially cause cramps and headaches. Apart from that, tuna is that one likely food to spoil in buffet table if it is not stored and kept at appropriate temperatures.

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