Miyerkules, Hunyo 7, 2017

A Guide for Great Night Out for Newbies

I bet you’ve wanted to enjoy the nightlife in Manila but hindered to go for some reasons. Maybe your parents are so strict,  have tons of school or office works to finish, or whatnot. Then the next thing you know, you haven’t been able to tick “go for a night out” on your bucket list.

If you are the person who’s been dreaming of a semi-wild (or all-out wild) party or night out somewhere in the Metro, do not wait for forever and let’s get this party started! Here is a short guide for a memorable and fun night out for you:

Clear your mind

At least for that night, even before you go out, clear your thoughts about your office, school work, problems and miseries (wow, deep) in life. At least for one night, give yourself a break. It is important to give your mind, soul, and body a “sanity break”. Let yourself breathe! There’s nothing wrong with enjoying for a couple of hours as long as you’d still follow the laws, of course, you don’t want to be imprisoned or something, and remember not to hurt anyone in any way.

Before going to a night out, ask permissions to the people or authorities you may need to. I hope you, the one reading this, is already of legal age and capable of handling yourself, okay?

Secure your belongings AT ALL TIMES

I would not forget the story of my college block mates who went to a rave party. Yes, I was jealous because I wasn’t able to go with them and rock the party. However, I was surprised to know that my friend just lost her iPhone 6, the period where the said phone was released in the Philippines just a couple of months ago. We tried to locate the phone but to our dismay, we just couldn’t. By the way, her parents don’t know how it lost, which is because she was partying real hard that night and didn’t notice that her phone is gone.

So remember to bring only enough amount of money and as much as possible, use a spare phone especially if you are going to big parties. You always don’t need a lot of pictures to treasure a moment; you live it to remember it. Or ask the official photographer of the event to take pictures of you.

It’s okay to mingle with strangers but learn how to say no

There was a night out with my colleagues, and sure we were having fun. A couple of drinks, well a lot actually, and some dance on the floor. Since it’s just a small bar greeting strangers is pretty much inevitable and all right for me. Someone started to offer drinks, and I respectfully rejected the offer. Another incident was when I was dancing and a person from the same group of the guy who offered me a drink suddenly hugged me from the back. I immediately get his arms off me and started to be extra mindful.

It’s an old point that you should not easily accept drinks or food from someone you don’t know, especially if you don’t see it coming from the bartender or wherever. Not being so much of a killjoy, have fun but take care of yourself too.

(Responsible) Carpe diem

To sum it all up, work hard then party harder. Just kidding! But yes, you can live up to that saying. Seize the day, enjoy every moment.

And plus tons of things you can do when you are already there, alone, with relatives or friends. Have fun the way you guys would want just don’t forget that you still need to survive until tomorrow and for the rest of your lives. I hope this quick list was able to convince you more to go or give you an idea what you can do with that night out.

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