Miyerkules, Abril 5, 2017

Philippine Eats: Four Reasons Why Filipinos Love Buffets So Much!

“The quality of food at buffets today is every bit as good, if not better, than most midlevel casual restaurants.” - Jeff Devito 

Food is the necessary fuel that energizes the body and ignites the soul. In a modern age wherein food is not just simply caught, seasoned and cooked, dining is no longer a means of sustenance but an experience in itself. Today, food comes in many forms, and it comes in different tastes, but what is the best kind of food there is? Well, there is certainly nothing better than all-you-can-eat food dining deals and options. Ever since the advent of all you can eat restaurants, Philippine hotels have been following suit and have been offering their patrons a delectable array of food items from all over the world. Simply walking into an all-you-can-eat affair gives the ordinary Filipino a chance to travel the world, one bite at a time. Seeing as there is such a profitable market for buffets and eat-all-you-can deals, most hoteliers offer this dining option in their respective restaurant. In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find a 3 to 4-star hotel in the Philippines sans this option.

For this reason, Filipinos have found a unique penchant for international gastronomic eats and a developing affinity for food buffets. So, what exactly does a buffet have that entices a Filipino to have some of its fares? Read on below to find out why:

1.) Filipinos have a love affair with eating

There is absolutely no doubt that Filipinos love to eat and any hotel in the Philippines would only be glad to cater to that. Wherever they are and whatever they do, food is almost always involved. This is why things such as coffee pastries, pulutans, and meriendas exist—because Filipinos love to eat whether they are out for drinks or are simply having their afternoon coffee. So, it should come as no surprise that buffets would instantly become a hit with Filipinos. With the innumerable choices of dishes, a food buffet is definitely a godsend to a Filipino.

2.) It is cheaper than Gourmet or Fine Dining

Gourmet or Fine Dining dishes may offer you some of the best cuisines, but they come at an exorbitant price, there are limited options, and you only get a single order. Buffets, on the other hand, may be a bit pricey, but it is compensated for the extensive array of food items you get to sample as well as the unlimited number of times you can get to eat and enjoy them. From a mathematical standpoint, it could easily be seen that food buffets are far cheaper.

3.) It is everywhere, and there are affordable options

Buffets do not come in cheap. Given their wide selection of food (and the unlimited number of times you get to refill your plate) it should come as no surprise that hoteliers and restaurateurs offering this option would find a way to rack up the price so as to defray the costs. However, there has been an influx of all-you-can-eat deals recently that in the midst of the competition, some lesser known all-you-can-eat restaurants and buffets would be constrained to dish out affordable options so as to stay afloat in the food industry. With this in mind, Filipinos would not have to empty their pockets just to pig out and eat like a king. Food buffets are almost everywhere, and at a price, they can certainly afford.

4.) It is always a feast

No matter what food buffet you choose or restaurant all-you-can-eat deal you select, it would always be a feast. The prolific food selection you are offered coupled with the unlimited times you get to refill your plate would be enough to make anyone feel like they are in a celebration—a feast if you may.

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