Miyerkules, Nobyembre 30, 2016

5 Qualities of a Globally Competitive Hotel, Resort and Casino this 2017 and Beyond

“Guests of the future - and in some cases, today’s guests - will require increasingly personal, connected experience.” - www.amadeus.com

The hotel industry revolves around the idea of providing the best alternative accommodation for guests in the absence of a personally-owned property. To be the best, companies must maintain a high level of hospitality and competent customer support to make their visitors at home.

However, digitalization and competition as a whole has started to change the shape of the mainstream arena. Now, it’s no longer enough to provide a fine room with its basic amenities intact. Guests are looking for a better experience that will both address their comfort as well as needs for entertainment.

In the effort to identify the specific things that make modern-day hotel, resort and casino globally competitive, experts and researches found the following common qualities:

Deep knowledge on the geographical, financial and generation differences of the customers

There are existing market groups that the industry caters to, and dealing with them has become easier with the help of technological advancements. However, there is currently a significant increase in newer market groups coming from the rising economy. This added diversity becomes a real challenge for hotels considering their differences in wants and needs.

For international industries such as luxury hotels, the need to have profound knowledge on this matter is essential for providing high-quality service to various guest profiles.

Collaborative and customer-centered approach to service

Crowd-sourcing is nothing new. Ever since the internet provided the convenience of communicating with lots of people around the world, companies found the benefit of using this method to conduct surveys and consult the public of their opinion as regards to different accommodation services hotels offer.

By collaborating with actual and potential customers, hotel resort and casino managers will have a better way of assessing the efficiency and relevance of their services to the needs of the public.

Immersive, flexible and multi-dimensional use of innovation

Local and non-local tourists are now looking for means to make their hotel reservations easier. It’s imperative to the fast-paced, unstoppable innovation. For the globally competitive ones, the need to explore the boundaries between the digital and real world, the usage of 3-D projection and the like has now become a priority.

It’s a world driven by technological advancement. Lagging behind one’s competitors can be detrimental to ones overall marketing strategy.

Competent and prepared leaders and managerial staff

There is no substitute to efficient business management manned by real people. No matter how groundbreaking those new technology can be, the heart of the hotel industry lies on the ability to relate and serve the guests - something which can only be done with the supervision of actual people.

For a company to seriously ace the competition, skilled individuals from the higher ranking positions up to their members need to be efficient in their respective roles.

Top-grade security measures and facilities

The leading hotel, resort and casino industries also have the best security measures. And it just keeps on getting better. One of the major determing factors that make guests feel satisfied with the service is the amount of security they feel while on their stay.

With the increase percentage of people showing interest in travelling, it’s only appropriate for companies to provide the best security detail to ensure the safety of their guests.

The luxury hotel, resort and casino industry is here to stay. But for current companies such as those hotel & casino in Manila to stay on top of the global league, understanding the need to continually make the service convenient for guests is a must.